Forward Contract Sample Offers

The coffee is already in our third party contracted warehouse and you can buy coffees just like you order goods from different sites and places. For this purchasing method, we have just one sample: a spot sample. when you decide to purchase it, it will be the exact bag of coffee that you’ve sampled.

Type Sample: This is a sample that is likely to be similar to the one that you will receive. It’s typically of a previous harvest from that community, mill, or producer – provided before a sample of the current harvest is available. 


Offer Sample: This is a sample from the coffee that is currently being harvested. It will you get a sense of what is available for purchase.


Pre-Shipment Sample (PSS): This is a sample that has been shipped to us in a smaller quantity prior to shipping the entire harvest.


Arrival Sample: This is the sample you receive after the coffee has arrived to us. For a buyer or roaster it will help you cup this arrival against pre-shipped and against the offer samples.

However, these are not the only types of samples you might receive. There are also fresh crop samples and SAS samples:


Subject to Approval Samples (SAS): These are samples used for a particular contract type. We will agree not on a specific coffee but rather on a price and coffee quality. The SAS will then be used to select the coffee that will fulfil that contract.

Sampling is free

and we encourage you to take advantage of the option in order to calibrate with your sales representative, so we can better understand the types of coffees you are searching for.

We provide 250g samples of green coffee to customers with intent to calibrate or purchase.
